Sunday, March 9, 2014

Want to lose weight? Here is a week by week plan for this coming up Month or start now!

So for this next week coming up, (you can start Sunday if you want to better keep track of your schedule) your gonna have to give up one of these five things

1. Refined Carbs which is stuff like white pasta, white bread, anything that is not 100% whole wheat.
2.Any kind of drink except for tea and water. (juice is included in drinks you give up since it has loads of sugar)
3. Sweets (anything and all sweets) you can eat fruit with honey if your craving something sweet, or 100% wheat waffles with organic maple syrup. I also have recipes on this blog you can use that are sugar free
4. Fast food, ( I realize that this is a tough one, I'd do this one last, practice preparing meals first)

So to lose weight you would need to drop one of these things a week at a time. By the end of  a month you will be giving up all these things and you will start to lose weight fast. This only lasts for a while after you start to lose weight you can start to exercise more frequently and more rigorously. Working out now will only turn your fat into muscle and unless you want to be bulky I wouldn't recommend working out right away. There are some small workouts you can start to do. I would practice one of these videos for a week. Just do a small amount everyday. If you can go for walks you should, start at 30 minutes then increase your time by 5 minutes every week. 

Here are some links for videos you can do at home. 
I would do the first one before you move on to the next video. If you can't finish the second video its okay. Just keep working at it and you will be able to do the whole length. I would take a days rest in between workouts to start out.

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